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Tag Archives: legitimate
The Thorny Issues of “Personal Use” in Direct Selling
There exists tension between the direct sales industry and industry regulators as to the role of “personal use” of products and services by distributors of MLM companies. The broad and ambiguous language in pyramid legislation has contributed to the problem. … Continue reading
Posted in Commission, Compliance Guidelines, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, Direct Selling Association, Distributor Education, Distributors, Earnings Claims, For MLM Executives, Law Cases, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Companies, MLM History, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Personal Use, Pyramid, Sales/Selling, Videos
Tagged consumers, direct sales, direct selling, distributors, DSA, law, legal, legitimate, mlm, multilevel marekting, network marketing, personal use, Personal use regulations, Pyramid Scheme, regulators, videos
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New Video: How Do I Create a Compensation Plan That Guarantees That I Am Legal?
This is a question that might take one thousand pages to answer. You will find endless articles and videos at and on differentiating a legitimate direct selling company from a pyramid scheme. Key features of a legitimate compensation plan … Continue reading
Posted in Compensation Plan, Compliance Guidelines, Consultants, Consulting, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, Distributors, Earnings Claims, For MLM Executives, FREE, Home-Based Business, Just for Fun, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Attorney, MLM Startup, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Personal Use, Products, Pyramid, Recruiting, Startup, Success, Training, Videos
Tagged bogus products, compensation plan, consultants, consulting, direct sales, direct selling, end consumers, fake products, high investments, illegal compensation plans, inventory loading, law, legal, legal action, legitimate, mlm, Multilevel marketing, network marketing, payments, products, program, purchases, Pyramid Scheme, qualify for the program, resonable price, service, ultimate users, video, videos
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Creating a Compensation Plan That Is Guaranteed to Be Legal
How do I create a compensation plan that guarantees to be legal? This is a question that might take one thousand pages to answer. You will find endless articles and videos at on differentiating a legitimate direct selling company … Continue reading
Posted in Compensation Plan, Consultants, Consulting, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, For MLM Executives, Home-Based Business, Just for Fun, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Attorney, MLM Companies, MLM Startup, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Products, Pyramid, Recruiting
Tagged bogus producst, compensation plan, direct selling, high investments, inflated pricing, invetory loading, legal, legitimate, legitimate or pyramid, mlm, network marketing, party plan, products, Pyramid, right to qualify, services
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Press Release: Releases Trilogy of Articles on Personal Use: Herbalife Belgium; Herbalife and Short Sellers; Burnlounge Music Portal
Herbalife Belgium: In a dramatic turn, a Belgian appeals courts reverses a lower court ruling and hold that Hebalife is no pyramid, but is in fact a legitimate direct selling business opportunity. The court validates “personal use” by distributors in … Continue reading
Posted in Compliance Guidelines, Conference, Consulting, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, For MLM Executives, Headlines, Home-Based Business, Law Cases, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Attorney, MLM Companies, MLM in the News, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Personal Use, Press Releases, Pyramid, Sales Tools / Kits, Success
Tagged analysis, article, Belgian, Burnlounge, commission, Conference, direct selling, february 2014, federal court, Herbalife, law, legal, legitimate, mlm, music, network marketing, opportunity, party plan, personal use, press release, Pyramid, regulatory, ruling, Sales Tools, seminar
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Herbalife Releases Statement Regarding Results of Belgian Court Ruling
A lower court ruling that had previously claimed that the international nutritional company, Herbalife, was operating as a pyramid scheme was overturned December 3, 2013. An appellate court declared that Herbalife was in fact operating in complete compliance with Belgian … Continue reading
Posted in Compliance Guidelines, Consultants, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, For MLM Executives, Headlines, Industry Sales and Growth, Law Cases, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Companies, MLM in the News, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Press Releases, Pyramid, Success
Tagged articles, Belgian, Compliance, court ruling, direct sales, direct selling, headlines, Herbalife, law, legal, legitimate, mlm, mulitlevel marketing, network marketing, news, overturned, Press Releases, Pyramid Scheme, Test-Aankoop
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What is “Front Loading” or “Inventory-Loading?”
Front loading is when a MLM company requires a consultant to purchase an unreasonable amount of inventory that cannot realistically be resold and/or used within a reasonable amount of time. Apart from general pyramiding accusations, the direct selling industry can … Continue reading
Posted in Consultants, Consulting, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, Distributors, For MLM Executives, FTC, Home-Based Business, Law Cases, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM History, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Pyramid, Recruiting, Training
Tagged buy-in, consultants, direct selling, Federal Trade Commission, Five ways to tell if it's a pyramid scheme, front loading, ftc, FTC v. Equinox, IBO, inappropriate activity, inflated prices, inventory loading, legal, legitimate, marketing plans, mlm, MLM Law, MLM Law in 50 States, network marketing, Pyramid, recruiting, representatives, require substantial initial cash investments
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The FTC Speaks out on Direct Selling
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the primary federal enforcement agency for the direct selling, network marketing and multilevel marketing (MLM) industry. In its own words, here is the FTC’s advice for evaluating a direct selling opportunity: Multilevel Marketing In … Continue reading
Posted in Compensation Plan, Consultants, Consulting, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, Distributors, Earnings Claims, For MLM Executives, FTC, Home-Based Business, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Personal Use, Products, Pyramid, Recruiting, Sales Tools / Kits, Training
Tagged advice, ask questions, company research, compensation plan, consulting, direct sellling, evaluate, Federal Trade Commission, ftc, keywords, legal, legitimate, mlm, Multilevel marketing, network marketing, opportunity, policies and procedures, products, Pyramid, refunds, research
Comments Off on The FTC Speaks out on Direct Selling has released an analytical article by noted direct selling industry expert and legal authority, Jeffrey Babener
Herbalife: What Short Sellers Missed on the Way to the Press Conference… The Personal Use Issue in Pyramid Analysis; Who is an Ultimate User? An excerpt from the article and link to the full article Déjà vu, all … Continue reading
Posted in Consulting, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, For MLM Executives, FTC, Home-Based Business, Internal Consumption, Law Cases, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Attorney, MLM Companies, MLM History, MLM in the News, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Personal Use, Products, Pyramid, SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission
Tagged babener, consumption, deceptive, direct selling, End user, ftc, FTC statement, Herbalife, illegal, industry expert, Justice department, law, legal, legal authority, legislation, legitimate, mlm, mlm articles, MLM facts, MLM Legal, MLM model, MLM products, network marketing, party plan, personal use, Pyramid, SEC
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An Introduction to Direct Selling and The Basics of MLM
This blog post is a companion post to the video: An Introduction to Direct Selling and The Basics of MLM The Introduction of Expert MLM Attorney, Jeff Babener Jeffrey Babener of Babener and Associates is a legal legend in network … Continue reading
Posted in Consulting, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, Earnings Calculators, Earnings Claims, For MLM Executives, Home-Based Business, Just for Fun, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Attorney, MLM Companies, MLM Startup, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Pyramid, Recruiting, Training, Videos
Tagged Attorney, consulting, direct sellilng, expert, head hunting, how to tell if a mlm company is legal, How-To, illegal, illegitimate, law, lawyer, legal, legitimate, mlm, network marketing, Pyramid, pyramid schemes, scam, video
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