Tag Archives: Compliance

New PR – Video Interview by DSWA — “Legal Hotspots for Direct Selling Companies” and Fill out Survey to Receive Two Free Tickets to Next MLM Startup Conference!

LAS VEGAS, NV–(Marketwired – April 22, 2014) – Nikki Keohohou with the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance (DSWA) hosts the Executive Interview Forum titled “Legal Hotspots for Direct Selling Companies.” The interviewee for this hour is Network Marketing Attorney, Jeff Babener, … Continue reading

Posted in Advertising, Capitalization, CEO Interviews, Commission, Compensation Plan, Compliance Guidelines, Conference, Consultants, Consulting, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, Distributors, Earnings Calculators, Earnings Claims, For MLM Executives, FREE, Headlines, Home-Based Business, Just for Fun, Legal, Marketing, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Attorney, MLM Companies, MLM History, MLM in the News, MLM Startup, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Personal Use, Ponzi Scheme, Press Releases, Products, Pyramid, Recruiting, Registration, Sales Tools / Kits, Social Networking, Software/Technology, Startup, Statistics, Success, Training, Videos | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on New PR – Video Interview by DSWA — “Legal Hotspots for Direct Selling Companies” and Fill out Survey to Receive Two Free Tickets to Next MLM Startup Conference!

New Video – Interview by the DSWA of Jeff Babener – “Legal Hotspots for Direct Selling Companies”

Nikki Keohohou with the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance (DSWA) hosts the Executive Interview Forum titled “Legal Hotspots for Direct Selling Companies.” The interviewee for this hour is Network Marketing Attorney, Jeff Babener, Editor of www.mlmlegal.com. View the video on our … Continue reading

Posted in Advertising, Compensation Plan, Compliance Guidelines, Consultants, Consulting, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, For MLM Executives, FTC, Home-Based Business, Industry Sales and Growth, Internet Marketing, Just for Fun, Law Cases, Legal, Marketing, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Attorney, MLM Companies, MLM History, MLM Startup, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Personal Use, Products, Pyramid, Recruiting, Social Networking, Software/Technology, Statistics, Success, Tax, Trademarks, Training, Videos | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on New Video – Interview by the DSWA of Jeff Babener – “Legal Hotspots for Direct Selling Companies”

Herbalife Releases Statement Regarding Results of Belgian Court Ruling

A lower court ruling that had previously claimed that the international nutritional company, Herbalife, was operating as a pyramid scheme was overturned December 3, 2013. An appellate court declared that Herbalife was in fact operating in complete compliance with Belgian … Continue reading

Posted in Compliance Guidelines, Consultants, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, For MLM Executives, Headlines, Industry Sales and Growth, Law Cases, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Companies, MLM in the News, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Press Releases, Pyramid, Success | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Herbalife Releases Statement Regarding Results of Belgian Court Ruling

MLMLegal.com Presents Six New Videos – Q&A Series on MLM, Direct Selling Industry

Leading MLM Attorney, Jeff Babener, recently added six new videos to his Youtube Channel. The educational, interview-style videos discuss topics such as distributor and MLM company owner compliance, secrets to success in direct selling, MLM industry history, pyramid vs. legitimate … Continue reading

Posted in CEO Interviews, Compliance Guidelines, Consulting, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, Earnings Calculators, Earnings Claims, Home-Based Business, Legal, MLM, MLM History, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Pyramid, Videos | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on MLMLegal.com Presents Six New Videos – Q&A Series on MLM, Direct Selling Industry