An Extraordinary 150 Minute Course with Our Compliments
A Focused Webinar for Startup MLM Companies Launching the MLM Startup: Essentials
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(**Available only to Executives of MLM Startup and Existing Companies.)
A 150 minute MLM Startup Webinar with five leading Experts in the Direct Selling Industry
Sponsor and Chair: and Babener & Associates
Conference Chairperson: Jeff Babener, Babener & Associates
Babener & Associates Law Firm
Conference Co-Chair: Michael Sheffield, The Sheffield Group
Learn from the professionals who have been behind hundreds of companies..
….and those who have advised (and started many), including Avon, Herbalife, Amway, NuSkin, USANA, Melaleuca, Nerium, Excel Telcom, ACN, Team National, Shaklee, etc.
About the industry and succeeding in our current business environment.
Being successful, but staying in business in our regulatory environment.
Compensation Plans in today’s direct selling environment.
Stages of MLM Startup Development.
What to look for in a technology provider
What is the driving foundation of success.
Directions in Technology.
Competing with the Amazon experience and the Gig economy opportunities.
Recruiting leaders and distributors.
What successful distributors are looking for in a company.
Panel of Experts discuss the most frequently asked questions about MLM Startup