Category Archives: MLM History On The Go – on iTunes is one of the most informative and reliable websites about network marketing on the web. MLM Legal provides educational articles answering common industry questions, such as: –          How to start a network marketing company –          An inside look at … Continue reading

Posted in Compensation Plan, Conference, Consultants, Consulting, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, Distributors, For MLM Executives, FREE, FTC, Headlines, Home-Based Business, Industry Sales and Growth, iTunes, Just for Fun, Law Cases, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Attorney, MLM Companies, MLM History, MLM in the News, MLM Startup, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Personal Use, Products, Pyramid, Recruiting, Sales Tools / Kits, SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission, Social Networking, Software/Technology, Statistics, Success, Success Stories, Tax, Videos | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on On The Go – on iTunes

Herbalife: Belgian Appeal Court: Herbalife is No Pyramid: Validates Legitimacy The Next Chapter in Recognition of Personal Use

By Jeffrey A. Babener © 2013 Like the pine trees lining the winding road, I got a name… Jim Croce And That Name Is Not “Pyramid” So says a Belgian Appeal Court about American direct selling/network marketing company, Herbalife, … Continue reading

Posted in Biography, Commission, Consulting, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, For MLM Executives, Headlines, Home-Based Business, Just for Fun, Law Cases, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Attorney, MLM Companies, MLM History, MLM in the News, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Press Releases, Products, Pyramid, Success, Success Stories | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Herbalife: Belgian Appeal Court: Herbalife is No Pyramid: Validates Legitimacy The Next Chapter in Recognition of Personal Use

New Video Segments from – Cross-examination of Dr. William Keep by Travelmax Trial Counsel, Jeffrey Babener

New Video Featuring the Cross-examination of Dr. William Keep by Lead Travelmax Trial Counsel, Jeffrey Babener Although Dr. Keep was called by the State of Kentucky as an expert witness to support the State’s case on pyramiding, the cross-examination, which … Continue reading

Posted in Consultants, Consulting, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, For MLM Executives, Headlines, Home-Based Business, Just for Fun, Law Cases, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Attorney, MLM Companies, MLM History, MLM in the News, Network Marketing, Pyramid, Videos | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on New Video Segments from – Cross-examination of Dr. William Keep by Travelmax Trial Counsel, Jeffrey Babener

25 New MLM Company Profiles on has worked for over four years to research, write and collect information on MLM, network marketing, direct selling, and party plan companies in order to compose the “MLM Company Profiles” webpage. To date, there are over 700 educational … Continue reading

Posted in Commission, Compensation Plan, Consultants, Consulting, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, For MLM Executives, Home-Based Business, Industry Sales and Growth, Just for Fun, Marketing, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Companies, MLM History, MLM Startup, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Products, Recruiting, Sales Tools / Kits, Statistics, Success, Training | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on 25 New MLM Company Profiles on

What is “Front Loading” or “Inventory-Loading?”

Front loading is when a MLM company requires a consultant to purchase an unreasonable amount of inventory that cannot realistically be resold and/or used within a reasonable amount of time. Apart from general pyramiding accusations, the direct selling industry can … Continue reading

Posted in Consultants, Consulting, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, Distributors, For MLM Executives, FTC, Home-Based Business, Law Cases, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM History, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Pyramid, Recruiting, Training | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on What is “Front Loading” or “Inventory-Loading?” has released an analytical article by noted direct selling industry expert and legal authority, Jeffrey Babener

Herbalife: What Short Sellers Missed on the Way to the Press Conference… The Personal Use Issue in Pyramid Analysis; Who is an Ultimate User? An excerpt from the article and link to the full article   Déjà vu, all … Continue reading

Posted in Consulting, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, For MLM Executives, FTC, Home-Based Business, Internal Consumption, Law Cases, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Attorney, MLM Companies, MLM History, MLM in the News, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Personal Use, Products, Pyramid, SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on has released an analytical article by noted direct selling industry expert and legal authority, Jeffrey Babener

Free “Direct Selling, Network Marketing, MLM” DVD

SourceNet Creative and present the “Direct Selling, Network Marketing, MLM” DVD. Visit for your FREE DVD full of MLM advice about starting and running the successful MLM company. The “Direct Selling, Network Marketing, MLM” DVD is FREE (for … Continue reading

Posted in Compensation Plan, Conference, Consultants, Consulting, Direct Selling, For MLM Executives, FREE, Home-Based Business, Industry Sales and Growth, Just for Fun, Legal, Marketing, MLM, MLM Attorney, MLM Companies, MLM History, MLM Startup, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Products, Pyramid, Recruiting, Software/Technology, Success, Training, Videos | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Free “Direct Selling, Network Marketing, MLM” DVD

The History of Technology and the MLM Industry

This blog post is the companion post to the video: Technology’s Impact on the Direct Selling Industry: The History of Technology, in which MLM Attorney, Jeffrey Babener, discusses the impact technology has had on the direct selling industry. The MLM … Continue reading

Posted in Conference, Consulting, Direct Selling, Direct Selling Association, For MLM Executives, Home-Based Business, Industry Sales and Growth, Just for Fun, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Companies, MLM History, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Software/Technology, Success, Success Stories, Videos | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The History of Technology and the MLM Industry

A View of the MLM Industry: Past, Present and Future – Interview with Jeff Babener

This blog post is the companion post to the video: A View of the Direct Selling Industry: Past, Present and Future, in which MLM Attorney, Jeffrey Babener, discusses the past, present and future of the direct selling industry. Interviewer: Jeff, … Continue reading

Posted in Avon, Consulting, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, For MLM Executives, FTC, Home-Based Business, Just for Fun, Law Cases, Legal, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Attorney, MLM Companies, MLM History, MLM Startup, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Pyramid, Success, Success Stories, Videos | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on A View of the MLM Industry: Past, Present and Future – Interview with Jeff Babener

Learn What is Needed to Recruit Top-Selling Distributors for Your MLM Company

The following is presented by Jeff Babener, the editor of He discusses recruitment capability below. You need to be honest with yourself. Do you, or those who are key owners in the business, have a MLM recruitment background? Without … Continue reading

Posted in Advertising, Consultants, Consulting, Direct Selling, Distributors, For MLM Executives, Home-Based Business, Marketing, Men, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM History, MLM Startup, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Recruiting, Success, Videos | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment