25 New MLM Company Profiles on MLMLegal.com


To date, there are over 700 educational and informational MLM company profiles at MLMLegal.com.

MLMLegal.com has worked for over four years to research, write and collect information on MLM, network marketing, direct selling, and party plan companies in order to compose the “MLM Company Profiles” webpage. To date, there are over 700 educational and informational MLM company profiles at MLMLegal.com. The editors of MLMLegal (the website hosted by seasoned MLM Attorney Jeffrey Babener, Owner of the Law Office Babener & Associates) are constantly bringing you updated MLM company profiles, removing companies that have gone out of business, and adding newly-launched network marketing companies. Hundreds of MLM companies have come and gone throughout the years, but many have proven that they have the longevity to succeed. Visit http://www.mlmlegal.com/profiles/index.html to see for yourself. This webpage is for strictly educational purposes. We do not specifically endorse any MLM company.

We’ve taken the time to organize the hundreds of MLM companies alphabetically and by products sold. Each company profile contains

– A logo

– A brief description of the company history

– The company’s impact on the MLM industry

– Products that the company sells

– The company’s opportunity or compensation plan

– The company’s sales and distributor base (if available)

– And, a link to the MLM company’s website

These profiles offer a quick way to compare compensation plans between companies or to find a company that offers a unique product that is perfect for you. Our research has also shown that no product is immune to direct sales (unless the company has no tangible product at all, in which then you should consider reading about illegal pyramid schemes). MLM companies are selling everything from green energy to cosmetic products.

Be sure to check the company’s website for the most updated information. Although we work tirelessly to keep the MLM company profiles up-to-date, the companies are constantly changing, merging, reorganizing, rewriting their compensation plans. So, enjoy this informative webpage we put together for your convenience!

Here are the 25 newest additions to the MLM Company Profiles webpage:

Stem Vida International, Inc

Temptu, Inc.

Southwestern Advantage

Queen Street America

Noonday Collection

Ocean Avenue LLC

Nature’s Pearl


Kilambe Coffee

Healthy 74

2 Cutie Patooties

Americraft Cookware


Bona Clara


CloudZow, Inc.

Eco Power Partners

Emerald Essentials, Inc



Dr. Organics, LLC

Limitless Worldwide, LLC

National Motor Club

Excellent Partners

Diva Girl

Be sure to read the *Editor’s Note which explains how we do not endorse any of these companies, we simply are providing a service of informing the public about direct selling companies in an unbiased fashion.

Are we missing a MLM company that you think we should profile? Reply to this post and let us know! We are always on the lookout for new MLM companies to profile on our website.

And, if you’re the owner of an MLM company on our website, you’ve probably already received a letter from us informing you that we’ve written about your company. If not, connect with us on LinkedIn or Facebook and we’d be happy to send you a copy of the introductory letter electronically (which gives you the option to write your own 200-word statement that we will post on your profile!).

And don’t forget to visit the rest of mlmlegal.com and mlmattorney.com for limitless information about the direct selling, network marketing, MLM, and party plan industries.

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Our next Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company Conference takes place October 24th & 25th, 2013 in Las Vegas. Call Charity before September 1st to receive a discount! 503-226-6600 or 800-231-2162.

This entry was posted in Commission, Compensation Plan, Consultants, Consulting, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, For MLM Executives, Home-Based Business, Industry Sales and Growth, Just for Fun, Marketing, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Companies, MLM History, MLM Startup, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Products, Recruiting, Sales Tools / Kits, Statistics, Success, Training and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.