Presents Six New Videos – Q&A Series on MLM, Direct Selling Industry

Leading MLM Attorney, Jeff Babener, recently added six new videos to his Youtube Channel. The educational, interview-style videos discuss topics such as distributor and MLM company owner compliance, secrets to success in direct selling, MLM industry history, pyramid vs. legitimate companies, and the difference between earnings claims and earnings calculators.

The video titles and descriptions include:

The Difference Between MLM Earnings Calculators and Earnings Claims: MLM Attorney Jeffrey Babener discusses the difference between MLM earnings calculators and earnings claims.

From a Legal Perspective: The Difference Between a Pyramid Scheme and Legitimate MLM: MLM Attorney Jeffrey Babener discusses how to tell the difference between a pyramid scheme and a legitimate MLM company.

Compliance Guidelines for Direct Selling Companies and Network Marketers: MLM Attorney Jeffrey Babener discusses compliance issues for MLM company owners and direct sellers.

Factors that Make an MLM Company Successful: MLM Attorney Jeffrey Babener discusses what factors contribute to a successful direct selling company.

A View of the Direct Selling Industry: Past, Present and Future: MLM Attorney Jeffrey Babener discusses the history of the direct selling industry, its present state of affairs and what to look forward to in the future.

Why Choose the MLM Model for Your Business? – A CEO Interview: MLM Attorney Jeffrey Babener chats with a successful direct sales company CEO to understand why some people choose MLM as their business model.

Or, view them at

The videos will also be available at

This entry was posted in CEO Interviews, Compliance Guidelines, Consulting, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, Earnings Calculators, Earnings Claims, Home-Based Business, Legal, MLM, MLM History, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Pyramid, Videos and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.