There are many reasons why distributors stay with a company once they’ve joined. The top five reasons that people stay with their MLM company are:
1. Products – The distributors enjoy the products that the company offers
2. Leadership of the company – Distributors are motivated and encouraged by the leaders of the company
3. Leadership of the field sales force – Distributors are motivated and encouraged by the leaders of their upline and by others salespeople
4. Company vision or purpose – Distributors believe in the vision of the company and its mission
5. Earnings – And, of course, distributors always appreciate a good income opportunity
Why do you stay with your direct selling, network marketing, MLM, party plan company? Can you relate to one of the top 5 reasons distributors stay with a company? Or, do you have a different reason?
(A plethora of information on the direct selling industry can be found online at and