Historically, a typical “at cost” sales kit has been priced in the $50 range. Typically, such kits included forms, manuals, brochures, and CDs or DVDs. In recent years, sales kits have gone online and are often provided digitally or merely posted in the “cloud.” Such kits provide ongoing sales and marketing materials information over the course of the one year distributor agreement, and generally there is a modest renewal fee annually. In addition, most companies today, charge a modest monthly administrative fee for back office access to genealogy management, replicated website, and communication tools. In recent years, it has not been unusual to see the initial “starter kit” price migrate up to $100. Most companies with tangible products provide for optional “fast start kits.” In addition, many party plan companies mandate starter kits, with sampler product, in ranges of $199 to $299. Technically, only at cost sales and marketing materials should be in a mandated starter kit, but, because party plan companies are so retail driven, regulatory agencies are much more understanding of higher priced mandated sales kits.
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Our next Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company Conference takes place February 27th & 28th, 2014 in Las Vegas. Call 503-226-6600 or 800-231-2162 to register.