The Role of MLM Legal Counsel – Why Hire a MLM Attorney

People often ask us, “What is the role of an experienced network marketing, MLM or direct selling counsel?” There are very few MLM attorneys in the United States and at Babener & Associates we play a role of legal advisor for our clients, providing them with our wealth of experience.

We have been direct selling attorneys for more than 25 years and having worked with hundreds of companies, having worked in the industry over decades, having worked in markets in the U.S. and abroad, having lectured at conventions, and having worked with distributor advisory boards, we bring the “big picture” to our clients. We often find ourselves playing a role as part of a business team with our clients. We are an important part of the business team and sometimes we become the most important business advisor for our clients. Often times, our clients conclude that perhaps we know more about the MLM business than they do. Therefore, we bring something unique to the table. We are a legal advisor and yet we play a positive role. When I say the term “positive”, I mean that 99.99 percent of the things that we do are positive as opposed to reactive to negative events.  If all we did is sit around all day drafting contracts, I probably would have left this discipline long ago. What we take pride in, and what we enjoy, is being part of something positive and growing companies from zero to $1 billion then taking them around the world.

(Comments from Direct Selling Attorney Jeff Babener.)

For more information, watch the companion video to this blog post: What is the role of an experienced MLM Legal counsel?

And, for additional information about the Law Office of Babener & Associates, visit

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