Why do people join direct selling and network marketing companies?

You might be surprised. There have been some great studies by the Direct Selling Association and other survey organizations. You might think that the main reason distributors join is for the money… of course it is very important. But believe it or not, earnings are number four, five, and six on the list of primary reasons distributors join MLM companies. Number one on the list in the studies is that people join because they relate to the product. Second on the list is that they join because they relate to the management, the founder of the company. Thirdly, they relate to the vision of the company, such as women’s empowerment, health, and savings that make a meaningful difference to households. Also, they relate to the field leadership, such as their sponsor and their upline. And finally, other top reasons consultants join direct selling companies are either “I like to work from home,” or “the more that I work and the harder that I work, the more I am rewarded.” 

For more information on why distributors, consultants, members, representatives join MLM, direct selling, network marketing companies, please visit the following links:

About the MLM, Direct Selling, Network Marketing, Party Plan Industry – Q&A – Videos

Why Do Distributors join MLM Companies?
Why Do Distributors stay with MLM Companies?

How to Analyze Compensation Plans” Article

9 Basics to Success in Network Marketing” Blog Post

Networkers: Motivated Entrepreneurs” Blog Post

Bare Basics for Success in Network Marketing” Blog Post

Value is the ‘Watchword’” Blog Post

Am I Taking a Risk by Joining an MLM Company?” Blog Post

Or, join us in the conversation!

Why Do You Stay With Your MLM Company?

What are Your Reasons for Joining a Direct Selling Opportunity?

Make sure to visit our blogs for the latest information on the direct selling industry: MLMLegal Blog Home and MLM Attorney Blog Home

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