Your cost of goods is calculated as your acquisition or manufacturing cost. The more frequent question we come across relates to pricing. Most MLM experts agree that you must have adequate margins to pay commissions and to make a profit. Different products and services carry different profit margins. In addition, smaller margins may be satisfactory with high-priced products because there is still room for profit. Most MLM companies are likely to pay total commissions equal to between 30 and 45 percent of the price sold to distributors for resale, or prices for which consumers buy directly from the company. A typical company will try to achieve a minimum 5-7 times markup to allow for commissions, overhead and profit. Typical markup for resale by distributors is 25% of their purchase price. A good place to visit this issue is at the MLM Startup Conference, offered by, where experts discuss margins, pricing, profit, proformas, and a whole lot more.
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Our next Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company Conference takes place in Las Vegas. View our conference flyer and speaker list online.