prweb (4/14/16) – Renovation of Come Visit the New and Improved Website is Upgraded: Easy-to-Use Navigation Bars, Stylized Images, Organized Landing Pages for Articles, Videos, & MLM Legal

Come visit the new and improved! This is the first major renovation of’s new face is easy to navigate and full of valuable and educational content, pertinent to direct sellers. And Babener & Associates is working on updating more pages throughout 2016.

A new and easy-to-use navigation bar helps visitors easily find what they are looking for, whether it is the blog, articles, videos, MLM resources, conference pages, or one of the many other resources available on the website for network marketers.

The main homepage image was provided by expert MLM Attorney himself, Jeff Babener, while on a trip to Europe. These beautiful mountains provide the metaphor “Let Us Be Your Guide.” Let the Law Office of Babener and Associates,, guide clients through the sometimes difficult MLM industry and its legal climate. As experienced network marketing attorneys, who have been in the industry for over three decades, and who represent companies such as Melaleuca, Avon, Herbalife, NuSkin, USANA, Nerium, Excel, and Team National, our firm has the experience and credibility to help direct selling companies navigate the direct selling industry.

“Let us be your guide” through education provided throughout the website in the form of articles, videos, books, and MLM resources. Or,” let us be your guide” in helping to startup or run your direct selling company; Babener & Associates advises in all of the legal aspects of starting up or running MLM, network marketing, direct selling companies.

The new homepage offers quick and easy-to-find links so that visitors can easily contact Babener & Associates, request a Complimentary MLM Startup Manual, gather information regarding the next MLM Startup Conference, or subscribe to the newsletter, MLM News Global.

The new homepage still features new content, such as headline news and relevant articles, this time under their own, clearly-outlined sections.

Scroll down the homepage to find more educational video content and request a complimentary copy of the MLM Startup Manual.

What else is important?

A scrolling carousal provides visitors with images taken of past conferences and directs the eye and mouse directly to the page where one can find out when the next conference takes place and who will be included as expert speakers.

And now, visitors can find all of Jeff Babener’s educational MLM videos (over 140 videos) in one location, the homepage. …Right along with Mr. Babener’s most popular industry articles.

And don’t forget about the rest of the MLM, network marketing, direct selling content on Use the Law Library to find all of Mr. Babener’s articles, federal and state cases, MLM law in 50 states, MLM business articles, IRS 911 Publication, and so many more article index pages that can be easily navigated.

Hint: Each new webpage now has related video and page content at the end of each webpage.

As does the new homepage. The end of each page has links to related material/videos, or other related pages that we suggest visitors look also to enjoy while at

And finally, at the bottom of each webpage are links to social networking sites. Follow MLMLegal on Twitter. Friend on Facebook. Like the Babener & Associates Facebook page. Visit Babener & Associates on LinkedIn or Google+. There are lots of easy ways to stay in touch and now it’s made it easy to find and follow Babener & Associates/ online. and Babener & Associates thought a lot about visitors when redesigning the new website. is now more manageable yet still famous for being full of lots of useful content.

Potential attendees to the Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company conference are welcome to visit the conference page, view the speaker list, or get more details online. All executives/owners of direct selling companies are welcome to attend. Call 800-231-2162 to register.

The next Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company Conference takes place May 20, 2016 in Las Vegas. View the conference flyer and speaker list online. Participate in the Innovation Campaign for a chance to receive TWO COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS to attend the next conference.

Sign up for the MLM News Global newsletter for top headline news stories, videos, articles, and more valuable MLM, network marketing, direct selling content, an imperative to anyone in the direct selling industry.

The Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company conference will be held May 20, 2016.

How do you find out more information?

Visit the new website:

Visit the blogs:

Contact 503-226-6600 or 800-231-2162

Conference Information: The day will begin at 9:00AM and end at 5:30PM, then from 5:30PM-8:30PM there will be one-on-one time with the speakers. For more information visit our website or call 800-231-2162/503-226-6600. Registrations are taken exclusively by phone and questions are always welcome.

Presented by one of the most trusted individuals in direct selling and MLM, Jeffrey Babener, Editor of
About Attorney Jeffrey Babener: Conference Host and Chairman, Editor of, as well as the leading direct selling attorney in the United States – With over 30 years of experience as a direct selling attorney, Jeffrey Babener has advised leading companies in the MLM/Direct Selling industry, ranging from Avon to Nikken, to Herbalife, to Melaleuca, to USANA, and to Excel Communications, Nerium International, plus many more. He has been published in national magazines such as Money, Inc., Atlantic Monthly, Entrepreneur magazine, Direct Selling News, Direct Sales Journal, Success magazine, Money Maker’s Monthly, among countless others. He’s authored several books, including his most popular Network Marketing: What you should know. Mr. Babener has chaired more than 70 national conferences on direct selling.

Learn how to receive two COMPLIMENTARY tickets to attend the next Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company Conference by visiting the

See the Press Release.

This entry was posted in Biography, Compensation Plan, Conference, Consultants, Consulting, Consumer Protection, Direct Selling, Distributor Education, Distributors, For MLM Executives, FREE, FTC, Headlines, Home-Based Business, Industry Sales and Growth, IRS, iTunes, Just for Fun, Law Cases, Legal, Marketing, MLM, MLM Articles, MLM Attorney, MLM Companies, MLM History, MLM in the News, MLM Startup, Network Marketing, Party Plan, Personal Use, Policies and Procedures, Ponzi Scheme, Press Releases, Products, Pyramid, Raiding, Recruiting, Registration, Sales Tools / Kits, Sales/Selling, SEC, Securities and Exchange Commission, Software/Technology, Startup, Statistics, Success, Tax, Training, Videos and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.