Passion, Patience, Persistence – Attitude in Direct Selling

Hi, I’m Jeff Babener of And I’d like to talk to you today about attitude: the three “P’s,” passion, patience, and persistence. Success coaches and motivational speakers will often note, “If you think you can, your right. If you think you can’t, your right.” This is not a mere placebo. There is substance to such advice.

Attitude makes all the difference in survival and success of the startup MLM. Every successful MLM company was driven by a leader who had a passion for the product, the opportunity, or both. The charisma of the leader could not be shared successfully without passion. You must be, in a sense, what the philosopher Eric Hoffer referred to as “a true believer.” A true believer is a founder of cultural, religious, or business movements, and that’s what you must be. There’s little room for the skeptic or cynic.  An Eminem would say, you can’t just sing the song to succeed you must “lose yourself in the music.” Only with passion will persistence and patience occur. And, only with those two additional attributes will an individual be successful in the launch of an MLM company.

It is a rare day that an MLM company is an overnight success. Some companies become overnight success stories because of the migration of thousands of seasoned MLM distributors as the result of the collapse or implosion of other large MLM networks or companies. This occurrence is the exception to the rule. In the end, it is often the case that the company will not experience a more rapid trajectory until it has been in existence for two or three years. It is usually at that point in time that the combination of its stability and some other fortuitous event in the marketplace causes its discovery by legions of distributors and customers. So, in the end, attitude – the culmination of passion, patience, and persistence is a defining factor in the success of the startup MLM company.

– Wishing you the best in your direct selling business, Jeff Babener.

For more information about passion and success in the MLM, direct selling, network marketing, party plan industry, visit the following links:

Jeffrey Babener’s Youtube Channel Reaches 60,000 Views

Explaining Your MLM Company to the Public: Answering the Hard Questions

MLM Success: Thoughts to Consider

Can You Make It By Starting Small?

Bare Basics for Success in Network Marketing

Does Celebrity Involvement Spell Success for an MLM Company?

It’s Passion that makes a MLM Company Successful

Is There a Magic Pill for Success in MLM?

If My MLM Business isn’t Working What Should I do?

Can You Create an MLM Company and Make it By Starting Small?

Watch the companion video to this blog post:

In Order to Achieve Success in MLM, One Must Have Passion, Patience, Persistence

And, visit for a plethora of information on the MLM, network marketing, direct selling industry.

The next Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company Conference is quickly approaching! On February 21st and 22nd, 2013 we are hosting the MLM Conference for the 25th year! This is now our 63nd annual conference (held almost consistently three times per year over the last 24 years). All executives/owners of MLM, direct selling, network marking, and party plan companies are welcome to attend. This is the original MLM Startup Conference, hosted and perfected by direct selling industry expert, MLM Attorney Jeff Babener. Call 503-226-6600 or 800-231-2162 to register. Ask Charity how to get a discount! (Can’t make this event? Keep an eye out for our May and October conferences as well.)

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  1. Pingback: Learn What is Needed to Recruit Top-Selling Distributors for Your MLM Company | Welcome to Jeffrey Babener's Blog

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