Prospective MLM startup owners often ask for the essential support elements for starting a new network marketing company. Four resources are clearly needed to do it correctly. Sometimes a company has one or more resources, but these are the important ones.
First, for better or worse, legalities impacting an MLM company are significant. A new company needs competent and experienced MLM Legal counsel to advise on all documentation, trademark, FDA, tax, regulatory compliance, distributor relations, vendor relationships, etc. Actually, in our experience, your MLM legal counsel may become your closest business advisor.
Second, a technology solutions provider should be sought out to address downline payout, back office access, sales tax management, replicated websites, communication tools, etc.
Third, if the company does not have compensation plan expertise, an expert in compensation plan design should be brought on board.
Finally, the creative element involving collateral materials, web graphics and video is essential.
For information on leading-industry vendors, check out the MLM Startup Conference for Executives of Startup and Existing MLM Companies and the Speaker List.
View the video invitation here.
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