Promoting your network marketing business can be done in many ways. Here are three ways to begin promoting your MLM business:
- Warm Market
Most network marketers first approach their warm market, that is, their friends, family and acquaintances. Friends and family can easily become your first customers, and in some cases, will also join the company in your downline.
- Social Media
Secondly, social media is an excellent way to advertise your business. Create a Facebook page and Twitter account used only for business purposes. Invite your existing friends and family to “like” or “follow” you on your business pages. Update your feed frequently with company promotions and special product pricing. Another underutilized method to advertise your business on social media is online groups. Search Facebook for local moms and dads groups if you are selling a parenting-related product. Search for business groups and groups that allow for business promotion and join them. Make sure the group allows sharing of businesses before you begin to post. Or, start your own Facebook or Google+ group! Online groups are great ways to network and share your home business with like-minded individuals in your community.
- Online Advertising
Thirdly, there are many online advertising websites that offer free classifieds posting. Write an ad and post it online for free. To find online classified websites, Google “free classifieds online” and choose one of the many websites that allow advertising of MLM products and services.
The key to success in any business is being able to sell to anyone and everyone. Successful consultants sell products to teachers at their child’s school, neighbors who they meet at the park, and even other parents at the PTA. Keep the success of your business at the front of your mind, no matter where you are or what you are doing and this will help you achieve success in your business!
If you are interested in attending the Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company conference visit our conference page, view our speaker list, or get more details. All executives/owners of direct selling companies are welcome to attend. Call 800-231-2162 to register.
Our next Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company Conference takes place October 22 and 23, 2015 in Las Vegas. View our conference flyer and speaker list online. Participate in our Innovation Campaign for your chance to receive TWO FREE TICKETS to attend our next conference.
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