Contact Babener & Associates

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121 SW Morrison Street, Suite 1020

Portland, OR 97204

503-226-6600 Office

503-226-4290 Fax

You may contact us by telephone, mail or email using the information listed above. If you would like to have someone contact you about our services, please complete and submit the following form. We will respond to you in a timely manner. For the fastest response, please call our office: 503-226-6600.

Please Note:

Babener & Associates provides legal advice to companies that operate in the direct selling (multilevel marketing) industry. For an overview of the services we offer, please visit our services page.

We do not respond to general requests for legal or personal opinions about companies in the MLM industry. Our significant MLM Law Library contains articles and state laws that act as a resource to entrepreneurs, and our Press Room is kept up-to-date with current headlines. Those pages will help you research and form your own opinion about companies in the MLM industry.

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MLM Company MLM Startup
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*Required fields. Babener & Associates Law Office represents the executives/owners of direct selling companies (not consultants or distributors).

More About the Babener & Associates Law Office

More information about Babener & Associates

Get an overview of our legal services, and visit our legal service subpages: scope of services, business background, experience, and more.

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Legal Services

We advise in the areas of marketing, Federal Drug Administration (FDA), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), trademarks, regulatory, international expansion, sales tax, distributor relationships, vendor relationships, and so much more.

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Scope of Services

Babener & Associates advises MLM companies on a wide range of legal matters as well as serving as an important informed resource on the MLM/network marketing/direct selling industry.

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Key Pages to Visit While You're Here

  1. The MLM Startup Conference

    Register Today for the MLM Startup Conference

    For Startup and Existing MLM Companies

    Register Today!
  2. Free MLM Startup Manual

    Free MLM Startup Manual

    Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company manual

    Get Your Copy Today!
  3. MLMLegal

    The Best MLM Resource on the Web

    Jeff Babener - MLM Expert Attorney & Business Advisor

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About 28 minutes ago