As a distributor, you must decide what your objectives are when beginning your network marketing, direct selling, MLM business. Here are ten questions to ask yourself in order to help you meet your sales goals and reach your full sales potential:
1) In your first year, what is your objective as a distributor? It is important to establish long-term goals and remind yourself of them frequently. If your objective is to sponsor 25 distributors in the first year, then you must recruit an average of two people each month. Once you develop long-term goals it is easier to see, and therefore reach, the short term goals.
2) How many people are you going to need in your organization? If your answer to the first question is monetary, then you will need to determine how many people you will need to recruit in order to meet your sales goals. Be sure to study the company’s compensation plan to understand what you need to do in order to succeed.
3) How much time do you feel it will require each week? Depending on your objectives, you may decide to spend ten hours a week or 30 hours a week recruiting, advertising, and selling. Keep in mind that most companies state that home parties average around 1.5 hours.
4) What strengths do you have that will assist you in reaching this objective? Whether you are part of a community group or church or are great at approaching people, realizing your strengths will contribute to your success.
5) What weaknesses do you have that might inhibit you from success? Knowing your weaknesses are just as important as knowing your strengths. If you are honest to yourself about your weaknesses then you will be able to improve on them. Late-risers wake up earlier, the unorganized get organized, and the shy become speakers, for instance.
6) Do you have realistic objectives? If you plan to make $100,000 the first year and don’t know any people that may be willing to attend a party, then is a $100k sales goal realistic? Be realistic and start with goals you know you are capable of achieving.
7) Ask yourself how you would feel if you failed to reach your goal? It’s okay to fail; the key is to restructure your objective list and retry until you’re successful.
8 ) Vividly imagine yourself reaching your objective? How does it feel? Remind yourself regularly of that feeling.
9) Are you going to need the assistance of significant others in your life? What steps can you take to ensure their assistance? Remember to consider each individual’s strengths when you answer this question.
10) What will you need to invest in sales aids and inventory to do business? Be sure to budget sales aids, inventory, office space, gas, travel, and other expenses into your overall budget.*
* This is an excerpt from the book The Network Marketer’s Guide to Success available to order here.
Watch the related video by expert MLM Attorney Jeff Babener: Do You Have Some Tips to Become a Successful Network Marketing Distributor?
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