There are always new compensation plans appearing in the direct selling/network marketing industry. Many distributors and companies argue that they are going to revolutionize the industry. However, I can tell you that it has to be competitive in terms of providing a good income opportunity. Beyond that, our experience, after more than 25 years in the business, indicates that the compensation plan is never the driving force for success.
The driving force behind success is always the close bonding between distributors, between the distributors and product(s), distributors and company management, distributors and the mission/vision of the company, and distributors and their upline leadership. This is what really provides the driving forces for success and creates company longevity.
For more information about compensation plans, visit the following links:
Role of Compensation Plan in a Successful Direct Selling Company Video
Is the Compensation Plan the Driving Force of Success? Companion video to this blog post
MLM Compensation Plans – What you should know Online Articles
How to Analyze Compensation Plans Online Article
And, for additional information on the direct selling industry, visit and
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