REvvNRG Worldwide**

**Trademark of REvvNRG Worldwide

REvvNRG Worldwide

Copyright Jeffrey Babener

Editor's Note:
Welcome to MLMLegal.Com Company Profiles at . Here you will find brief summaries of pertinent information about hundreds of MLM, Direct Selling, Direct Sales, Network Marketing and Party Plan Companies. As a general matter, the summary information is derived from Company published information, generally posted at Company websites, public information releases or posts at industry trade sites .*

Founding Story
REvvNRG (Revv o Lution) was founded by Scotty Paulson. He wanted to begin a company with two goals in mind, 1) to operate at the highest level of nutrition, and 2) to provide associates with the highest degree of honesty and financial success.

Mr. Paulson traveled to Brazil to personally inspect the suppliers’ facilities for sustainable harvesting, extraction, and ecology.

Mr. Paulson states that he was the first person in the network marketing industry to develop the compressed compensation plan which allowed new distributors to make money the first month, in 1995. Without prior business experience, Mr. Paulson also began his first network marketing company with $10,000 and it soon attracted 250,000 distributors.

His experiences are highlighted as follows:

·  1984 to 1992 King Technology - Vice President of Operations, The dream of being able to live his life to the fullest motivated him to start as a part time networker with NuSkin 1992.
·  1994 Full time Networker, Nutrition for Life / Enrich International 1994.
·  1995 Founder Changes International, Created a network marketing company.
·  1997 Changes International is rated one of the top 100 fastest growing, privately held companies in America.
·  1998 Consolidated Changes International into a Fortune 500
( nutritional company and remained on the board as CEO.
·  1998 Was inducted as a lifetime member into the exclusive Who's Who in America for personal and professional achievements.
·  1999 to 2001 Semi- Retirement.
·  2002 Co-founded Pro Image International.
·  2005 Co-founded a new division and product called Fruta Vida.
·  2007 Founded Alive Worldwide International.

REvvNRG is located in Big Lake, MN.

Impact on the Industry

Discussion of Products
The products behind REvvNRG are from the rainforests of Brazil and are chosen for their unique nutritional attributes. REvvNRG sells a super food beverage that helps to alleviate fatigue and stress, boosts immunity, sharpens mental clarity, and improves circulation while aiding in weight loss.

Discussion of Opportunity
The company offers the following compensation plan:

For additional information, one must contact the company.

Discussion of Distributor Base and Sales Volume in U.S.

Company Website:


*At MLMLegal.Com the intent of MLM Company Profiles is strictly educational, and, to provide insight into the broad array of Company offerings from an industry that spans the globe in upwards of 150 countries with sales volume exceeding $100 billion and distributor involvement in the tens of millions. MLMLegal.Com does not promote or endorse any Company. MLMLegal.Com offers no value judgments, either pro or con, regarding the Companies. In most instances, descriptive material comes from self description by the Companies themselves. In all presentations, the names and logos of the Companies are obviously the trademarks owned by the Companies and are presented for the express purposes of informing the public about the Companies; and no product or opportunity offered by the Companies is offered in this presentation.

MLMLegal.Com typically provides a link to official Company websites so that readers can become more fully informed about Companies that are profiled. The descriptive material offered is best categorized as "snapshot" information and represents a good starting point for research on Company products, services and opportunities. It should be clearly understood that such information may need updating in a dynamic and changing business marketplace. In addition, the information is gathered and presented in good faith for educational purposes, and if errors in information become apparent, MLMLegal.Com will attempt to correct the information, or if necessary, delete the Profile altogether. A reading of a Company Profile is properly followed up with visits to the Company website, research on major internet search engines, discussions with industry professionals and experts and feedback from those acquaintances who have had direct experience with the Companies. In addition, a wealth of information on MLM, Direct Selling, Direct Sales, Network Marketing and Party Plan will be found at, including scores of articles, video, resource opportunities and detailed analysis on industry issues and factors to consider in both starting and running a MLM Company or a MLM home based business.

Jeffrey A. Babener, principal attorney in the Portland, Oregon, law firm Babener & Associates, represents many of the leading direct selling companies in the United States and abroad.