
**Trademark of ausante.


Copyright Jeffrey Babener

Editor's Note:
Welcome to MLMLegal.Com Company Profiles at Here you will find brief summaries of pertinent information about hundreds of MLM, Direct Selling, Direct Sales, Network Marketing and Party Plan Companies. As a general matter, the summary information is derived from Company published information, generally posted at Company websites, public information releases or posts at industry trade sites .*

Founding Story
Ausante ( ) states the following about the company:

Ausante is first and foremost a network of people united in a common cause. We work with Businesses, Governments and NGOs in different countries to fund environmental and humanitarian projects; in return creating carbon offsets which we sell to generate the income for the business.

Ausante is located in Wilmington, DE

Impact on the Industry

Discussion of Products
Ausante, a philanthropic company, offers carbon offsets to customers. This company makes it possible to offset your carbon footprint by purchasing trees and purchasing carbon offsetting units.

Discussion of Opportunity
The company offers the following binary compensation plan:

Binary commission – Paid WEEKLY

THE BINARY PLAN (updated June 1st 2012) – i.e. 2 legs below yourself, which again has 2 legs each etc (2-4-8-16-32 etc) (Associate Team Rewards (ATR))

Requirements: Your binary placement is forever active and qualified for commission, just by joining Ausante. There are NO activity requirements to make money. If for example you are placed in leg that grows below you, you will make money even if you ONLY build 1 leg (The opposite leg).  IF someone in your upline places people/packages in both of your legs, you can make money without introducing 1 single person. You are allowed to have as many positions (in your own name and details) as you wish.

BUT…Even if there are no requirements to sponsor people in both legs, it’s strongly recommended that you take responsibility for them both to ensure activity there. You get paid 1-1, i.e. you will at any time get paid for the activity in your weakest leg.

The company operates with points, and a payment is triggered when you have at 500 CV/points in your weakest leg. (Then you are getting paid for ALL points in your weakest leg) 100 points in your weakest leg equals 15 USD. UNused points will be accumulated in the “points bank” for the next commission run, and the oldest points will be used when the weekly commission is calculated. Unused points older than 20 weeks is flushed and you always use your oldest points first. You have an good  overview on this in your backoffice.

To make this easier, I have recalculate the points to USD per package.  Remember that you will receive this bonus no matter who introduces the package, and no matter how ( ) deep down in the network it is. This number are calculated from your weakest leg

* 1 Low carbon package gives 40 CV/points = 6 USD
* 1 Personal package gives 200 CV/points = 30 USD
* 1 Family package gives 600 CV/points = 90 USD
* 1 Business package gives 1800 CV/points = 270 USD

It does not matter which package you have yourself when it comes to the binary income, i.e. you make 270 USD from a Business package even if you have a Low Carbon package yourself.

If someone in your downline upgrades, you get the differential CV between the new and the old package.
You are getting CV/points for ALL activity that you see under yourself in your binarytree. It dosnt matter if your UPLINE or DOWNLINE place the new member there, you are getting paid for EVERYTHING you see, in UNLIMITED number of levels…regardless if it is 10 levels down or 10 000 levels down..regardless if that person comes tomorrow or 5 years from now.

A payweek is going from midnight (GMT) to Monday to next midnight to Monday. The commission is then calculated on that same Monday and paid to you that same day. That means that you get paid for your work the same day as the week ends.

MAX OUT / Binary Cap
NOTE:  There is a binary income cap depending on which package you have yourself.  It is as follows:

* Low Carbon package: 2000 CV/Points = 300 USD – equals a salegrowth in the weakest leg of 1 Business packages and 1 Personal packages. (plus you get a free upgrade to Personal Pack status. Worth 256 USD))

* Personal package:  6667 CV/Points = 1000 USD – equals a salegrowth in the weakest leg of 4 Business packages.

* Family package: 20 000 CV/Points = 3000 USD – equals a salegrowth in the weakest leg of 11 Business packages.

* Business package: 100 000 CV/Points = 15 000 USD – equals a salegrowth in the weakest leg of 56 Business packages.

This is called ”maxing out” the system / “reaching the cap”, and if you reach that, all unused points in both binary legs will be flushed. It’s recommended that you upgrade your position when you see that you’re maxing out the system before the payday… to avoid unwanted flushing.

Ausante Referral Bonus with Roll-Up – Paid INSTANT

This BONUS  in the Ausante Compensation Plan is paid on sales made from your very FIRST sale. It does not matter where you place this package in your binary network structure, and the bonus is paid like THIS:

* 1 Low carbon package gives 6 USD (+40 CV in the binary)
* 1 Personal package gives 30 USD (+200 CV in the binary)
* 1 Family package gives 90 USD (+600 CV in the binary)
* 1 Business package gives 270 USD (+1800 CV in the binary)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The level of bonus is determined by which package you personally have purchased. I.e. if you have a Personal package, you will earn 30 USD from all sales, even if sale is a Family or a Business package.

You will of course earn referral commission if somebody that you have introduced UPGRADES.
Example: You are a Personal pack. You introduce a Low Carbon pack and you earn 6 USD. When the Low Carbon pack upgrades you earn another 24 USD in referral bonus.

Roll-Up Bonus
There is a ROLL UP bonus attached to the referral bonus and it function like this: All unqualified bonus goes to NEXT Qualified Upline in the UNIlevel. There are NO limits on how many levels it can go to find next qualified upline.


You are a Businesspack

—–> You introduce a Personal Pack = You earn 30 USD
—–> This Personal Pack introduce a Businesspack = You earn
( ) 240 USD (The Personalpack earn 30 USD, since the Personal pack only earn up to its own level. The rest is unqualified for the person with Personal pack and it this case to YOU.

If it was 5 personalpack after each other and then number 5 introduce a Businesspack…YOU will get the 240 USD..because it ROLLs UP to you..since you are the NEAREST UPLINE Businesspack in the unilevel. If it was a family pack between, the family pack owner would get 60 USD and you would get 180 USD.

Of course…If these 5 people are informed that it comes in a Businesspack, they have a chance to UPGRADE to Businesspack (before the businesspack comes in through no.5) and then that closest person that UPGRADE get those 240 USD…But THEN AGAIN…Since this person UPGRADE..the commission from the upgrade rolls up as well. If if ALL would upgrade to not lose out, then all will earn referral upgrade commission and lots of CV as well.

SO an upgrade at a bottom of a generation line might trigger several upgrades if you keep people informed – a win-win for all (both with roll up-bonus and points).

Matching Bonus – Paid WEEKLY

This bonus is a reward to you for helping helping other earn money. It’s based on your unilevels ATR bonus (binary income). Every week when someone in your unilevel up to max 7 levels of generations earn a binary income, you will get between 3-5% in bonus of what they are earning. This money is NOT deducted from your downline’s earnings, but given to you as an extra reward for helping your friends to earn money – Win-Win in other words.

- You must personally have minimum Family package to be eligible for the Matching Bonus.
- You MUST introduce min. 1 member in each of your binary legs, minimum family pack status. For example you can have 1 in the right leg and all the other in the opposite leg
- It is ONLY family pack and business packs that counts in increasing your STATUS on how deep you get paid. If a person starts out as a Low Carbon pack or Personally pack and later upgrade to Family or Biz, they will count for you to reach a new level.
- Dont confuse the reaching of a new level with whom you are getting paid FROM. You are getting paid for EVERYONE within you generations, regardless what membership they have.

7 levels of introduction (7 generations)

• Introduce 2 persons (min. Family package): 3% Matching Bonus in 3 generations.
• Introduce 4 persons (min. Family package): 3% Matching Bonus in 4 generations.
• Introduce 6 persons (min. Family package): 3% Matching Bonus in 5 generations.
• Introduce 8 persons (min. Family package): 3% Matching Bonus in 6 generations.
• Introduce 10 persons (min. Family package): 3% Matching Bonus in 6
( ) generations + 5% Matching Bonus in generation 7.

This bonus is of course more powerful the more people you have introduced. There are NO LIMITS. Potentially you could have 100’s of persons for receive some % from (and if you reach titles in the Infinity bonus as well, you will be able to get even more % of your unilevels binary income – The infinity bonus is almost like an extended version of Matching bonus, look for info about that if you wanna know more about Infinity Bonus).

Infinity Bonus – Paid WEEKLY

Reach different levels and receive a %  (Infinity Bonus) of the Associate Team Rewards (ATR) in your business.
You can reach different levels and receive a % of the ATR of your unilevel structure, in UNLIMITED number of generation.

* BRONZE: 20,000 CV in your weakest leg – 2%

* SILVER: 3 Bronze in your weakest leg (or 3 personally introduced BRONZE anywhere in your downl.) – 4%

* GOLD: 3 Silver in your weakest leg (or 3 personally introduced SILVER anywhere in your downl.) – 6%

* PLATINUM: 3 Gold in your weakest leg (or 3 personally introduced GOLD anywhere in your downl.) -8%

* RUBY: 3 Platinum in your weakest leg (or 3 personally introduced PLATINUM anywhere in your downl.) – 10%

* EMERALD: 3 Ruby in your weakest leg (or 3 personally introduced RUBY anywhere in your downl.) – 12%

* DIAMOND: 3 Emerald in your weakest leg (or 3 personally introduced EMERALD anywhere in your downl.) – 14%

The way a level/title is set: You weakest leg in the binary is checked, and how many CV you have there in addition to how many members with different titles as well. Achieved title is yours forever, and all points are accumulated. All in your downline with a title counts, as it does NOT matter who the sponsor is – upline, downline or yourself.

Example:  You have 3 Gold members in your strongest leg and 3 Silver members in your weakest leg => You are GOLD and you can never drop down to a lower title.

Option 2 for reaching a title: If you have 3 personally introduced reaching a title, you will gain a title. This is regardless of their placement.

Example: You have 3 personally introduced that becomes Silver. That makes you Gold.

Bonus calculation: This is calculated in your unilevel structure, i.e. from generation to generation. If you have introduced 5 persons that again has introduced 5 persons each, you will have 25 different legs/combinations and income sources on your 2nd level. If you have reached the title Ruby, you will receive 10% commission of the total ATR in your whole structure. There are some rules here:

- You will get the % bonus down to the next person who ( ) has the same title as you. Below that person you will get nothing
- All combinations are calculated and if you have a person that has a LOWER title than you, you will get the difference.

For example: You are Ruby and are entitled to 10% commission – below you there is a Bronze member => Below the Bronze you will get 10% – 2% = 8% commission.

Let’s say you have introduced 10 people, and they again have introduce 5 each. That means that you on your 2nd generation in your unilevel will have 50 people. That means that under your 2 generation you have 50 possible downlines to earn bonus from. If one person on that line, blocks you, because that person have the same title as you, not to have 49 more downlines to earn from..and if you reach a new and higher title than the one person, you will start earning the difference bonus from that persons downline.

The more members you introduce and help get started, the more combinations in the Infinity Bonus you’ll have. You can have seriously many income combinations through the infinity bonus.

With every level follows an extra reward is added and it’s like this:

(There is NO time limit on how fast or slow you can reach this)

* BRONZE: iPod
* SILVER: iPad
* GOLD: iMac
* PLATINUM: 2 weeks all-expenses paid vacation
* RUBY: Rolex watch
* EMERALD: $25,000 in cash
* DIAMOND: Luxury electric car..type Tesla S or X

This is how you will GET your rewards. They are ONLY handed out on meetings where management are present (so yes, you need to go up on stage and be in the spotlight for some minutes – nnjoy it) – Secondly, you need to make contact BEFORE you come to the meeting, so they know that you are coming, so they can HAVE your reward there for you.

PS! In order to get Infinity Bonus, you must ALSO be Qualified to get Matching Bonus.

For information on joining, one must contact a referrer in their area.

Discussion of Distributor Base and Sales Volume in U.S.
Ausante operates in the United States and ( ) China.

Company Website:


*At MLMLegal.Com the intent of MLM Company Profiles is strictly educational, and, to provide insight into the broad array of Company offerings from an industry that spans the globe in upwards of 150 countries with sales volume exceeding $100 billion and distributor involvement in the tens of millions. MLMLegal.Com does not promote or endorse any Company. MLMLegal.Com offers no value judgments, either pro or con, regarding the Companies. In most instances, descriptive material comes from self description by the Companies themselves. In all presentations, the names and logos of the Companies are obviously the trademarks owned by the Companies and are presented for the express purposes of informing the public about the Companies; and no product or opportunity offered by the Companies is offered in this presentation.

MLMLegal.Com typically provides a link to official Company websites so that readers can become more fully informed about Companies that are profiled. The descriptive material offered is best categorized as "snapshot" information and represents a good starting point for research on Company products, services and opportunities. It should be clearly understood that such information may need updating in a dynamic and changing business marketplace. In addition, the information is gathered and presented in good faith for educational purposes, and if errors in information become apparent, MLMLegal.Com will attempt to correct the information, or if necessary, delete the Profile altogether. A reading of a Company Profile is properly followed up with visits to the Company website, research on major internet search engines, discussions with industry professionals and experts and feedback from those acquaintances who have had direct experience with the Companies. In addition, a wealth of information on MLM, Direct Selling, Direct Sales, Network Marketing and Party Plan will be found at, including scores of articles, video, resource opportunities and detailed analysis on industry issues and factors to consider in both starting and running a MLM Company or a MLM home based business.

Jeffrey A. Babener, principal attorney in the Portland, Oregon, law firm Babener & Associates, represents many of the leading direct selling companies in the United States and abroad.