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FTC v. Rose Creek Health Products (2000)

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The intent of the Cases Project is strictly educational, and, to provide insight into the legal issues and cases for an industry that spans the globe in upwards of 150 countries with sales volume exceeding $100 billion and distributor involvement in the tens of millions. MLMLegal.Com does not promote or endorse any company. MLMLegal.Com offers no value judgments, either pro or con, regarding the companies profiled in legal cases.

Jeffrey A. Babener, principal attorney in the Portland, Oregon, law firm Babener & Associates, and editor of, represents many of the leading direct selling companies in the United States and abroad.

FTC v. Rose Creek Health Products (2000)

Case: FTC v. Rose Creek Health Products (2000)

Subject Category: Consent Decree

Agency Involved: FTC

Consent Decree

Complaint Synopsis: The FTC claimed that Rose Creek marketed a product called Vitamin O. Vitamin O supposedly contained a high concentration of dissolved oxygen and Rose Creek claimed that this supported multiple healthy bodily processes. The FTC asserted that the claims of Rose Creek were without merit.

Consent Details: Rose Creek agreed to cease claiming the Vitamin O had any health benefits whatsoever. Furthermore, they agreed to only make health assertions that were supported by reliable and competent scientific evidence in the future, and to pay $375,000 to the FTC to provide redress to consumers harmed by Rose Creek's unsupported claims.

Practical Importance to Business of MLM/Direct Sales/Direct Selling/Network Marketing/Party Plan/Multilevel Marketing: The FTC vigorously pursues unsupported health claims.

FTC v. Rose Creek Health Products (2000) , FTC File No. 992 3107: Rose Creek agreed to cease claiming the Vitamin O had health benefits whatsoever. Furthermore, they agreed to only make health assertions that were supported by reliable and competent scientific evidence in the future, and to pay $375,000 to the FTC to provide redress to consumers harmed by Rose Creek's unsupported claims.


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