This blog post is the companion post to the video: You Must Possess or Buy MLM Experience. The following is the transcript of MLM Attorney Jeff Babener’s own words.
Hi, I’m Jeff Babener of and I would like to talk to you today about MLM business experience. Do you possess it already or should you buy it?
Multilevel marketing is not just any business. It is not retailing, franchising, e-commerce, the internet, or .com selling.
Multilevel marketing, under all its names: direct selling, network marketing, direct sales, party plan, and multilevel marketing, is a unique beast. To launch this business you must have a substantial background in direct selling and be well grounded.
There are written and unwritten principles. If you know your product and you have a passion to bring it to the public, but you lack industry experience, then you must buy that experience. You may hire key employees in such positions as CEO, COO, sales, marketing, customer service, and distributor relations, etc. The payroll will add up fast, and unless your capitalization can sustain the ongoing cost, you should seriously consider outsourcing the solutions for this type of expertise.
The first suggestion that I would make is for you to consult with you MLM attorney, who is familiar with the best resources in the business. Such established industry experts in areas of MLM startup implementation, compensation plan design and software selection are often invaluable assets to your business team. Above all, don’t launch your company without in-house or outsourced MLM business experience.
Wishing you the best in your MLM business, I’m Jeff Babener.
For additional information on gaining experience in the MLM industry visit and, or visit the following links:
MLM Corporate Startup Essentials: Part II of III
How Much Does it Cost to Start a MLM Company?
Choosing the Right Product for Your Direct Selling Company
MLM Executives Must Raise Capital in Order to Recruit Key Distributors
MLM Pyramid Schemes – Everything You Need to Know All in One Place
Are you Starting a MLM Company?
Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company Conference – May 16th & 17th, 2013
Why You Should Trademark Your MLM Company Name
Creating Clear Agreements Between MLM Company Owners
Recruiting Advice from an Industry Expert – The MLM Fairytale “Network Marketing and Frogs”
Learn What is Needed to Recruit Top-Selling Distributors for Your MLM Company
Make sure to visit our blogs for the latest information on the direct selling industry: MLMLegal Blog Home and MLM Attorney Blog Home. HINT: Chose a category to narrow your search for discussion topics!
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And, as always, visit, the best MLM resource on the web. The next Starting and Running the Successful MLM Company Conference is quickly approaching! On May 16th and 17th, 2013 we are hosting the MLM Conference for the 25th year! This is now our 64th annual conference (held almost consistently three times per year over the last 24 years). All executives/owners of MLM, direct selling, network marking, and party plan companies are welcome to attend. This is the original MLM Startup Conference, hosted and perfected by direct selling industry expert, MLM Attorney Jeff Babener. Call 503-226-6600 or 800-231-2162 to register. (Can’t make this event? Keep a look out for the October and February conferences as well! Call our office to register today!)