MLM consultant practice tips. MLM Legal and and Babener and Associates provides expert MLM Consultant and MLM Consulting advise on MLM corporate, MLM software, MLM Compensation, MLM Taxes, etc. MLM Consulting is an important component for MLM startup.  Careful Choice of MLM Software is another component of MLM Corporate.  A MLM Consultant and MLM Law and MLM Legal is part of the MLM Startup Team. MLM Compensation must be reviewed by an MLM Consulting standpoint by an MLM Consultant and MLM Legal and MLM Law professional and programmed by a MLM Software and MLM Technology provider.

MLM: The Lingo of Network Marketing: Terms You Should Know. Part 4
An Introduction to Network Marketing
By Jeffrey A. Babener
Excerpted from Network Marketing: What You Should Know, Jeffrey Babener, Legaline Publications
MLM consultant practice tips. MLM Compensation Plans come in all forms, including unilevel, stairstep, matrix, binary, etc.   Proper implementation requires consultation with an MLM Consultant on MLM Consulting, an MLM Attorney and MLM Law Provider and MLM Software provider for input on MLM technology and MLM Software Programming. . MLM Legal and and Babener and Associates provides expert MLM Consultant and MLM Consulting advise on MLM corporate, MLM software, MLM Compensation, MLM Taxes, etc. MLM Consulting is an important component for MLM startup.  Careful Choice of MLM Software is another component of MLM Corporate.  A MLM Consultant and MLM Law and MLM Legal is part of the MLM Startup Team.  MLM Compensation must be reviewed by an MLM Consulting standpoint by an MLM Consultant and MLM Legal and MLM Law professional and programmed by a MLM Software and MLM Technology provider.

Level - The position of a distributor in your downline.   Personally sponsored distributors are your first level.   Their personally sponsored distributors are your second level, and so on.

Matrix - A compensation plan that creates a grid-like network, in which a distributor is limited as to the number of recruits at each level.   In a three-by-five matrix, for example, each level down to five levels will only have three distributors.

Multilevel (MLM) - A direct selling program in which distributors make money on their personal sales, and, in addition, are entitled to recruit distributors and receive bonuses based on the sales of their recruits and the recruits of their recruits through multiple levels.   "Multilevel marketing" is used interchangeably with "network marketing."

MLM Junkie - An MLM (network marketing) distributor who goes from one company's program to another in search of a better business opportunity.   Junkies seldom make a commitment to the product and are rarely successful.

Multilevel Distribution Statutes - Several states have adopted legislation specifically directed at regulating multilevel marketing companies.   These statutes require registration and a variety of disclosures.   In addition, the statutes protect terminated distributors and require specific language in distributor agreements on such issues as cancellation and buy-back policies.

rs. . MLM Legal and and Babener and Associates provides expert MLM Consultant and MLM Consulting advise on MLM corporate, MLM software, MLM Compensation, MLM Taxes, etc. MLM Consulting is an important component for MLM startup.  Careful Choice of MLM Software is another component of MLM Corporate.  An MLM Consultant and MLM Law and MLM Legal is part of the MLM Startup Team.  MLM Compensation must be reviewed by an MLM Consulting standpoint by a MLM Consultant and MLM Legal and MLM Law professional and programmed by a MLM Software and MLM Technology provider.

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