MLM consultant practice tips. MLM Legal and and Babener and Associates provides expert MLM Consultant and MLM Consulting advise on MLM corporate, MLM software, MLM Compensation, MLM Taxes, etc. MLM Consulting is an important component for MLM startup.  Careful Choice of MLM Software is another component of MLM Corporate.  A MLM Consultant and MLM Law and MLM Legal is part of the MLM Startup Team.  MLM Compensation must be reviewed by an MLM Consulting standpoint by an MLM Consultant and MLM Legal and MLM Law professional and programmed by a MLM Software and MLM Technology provider.

MLM Marketing:
Ten Common Distributor Mistakes - And How to Overcome Them
Number 1

By Jeffrey A. Babener
Excerpted from Network Marketing: What You Should Know, Jeffrey Babener, Legaline Publications
MLM Legal and and Babener and Associates provides expert MLM Consultant and MLM Consulting advise on MLM corporate, MLM software, MLM Compensation, MLM Taxes, etc.

Great Expectations

It was Yogi Berra who said, "If you don't know where you're going, it's going to take you a lot longer to get there." And, sometimes networkers, with the best of intentions, turn down the wrong path. It's not a physical turn, it's a mental turn, it's a question of expectations. And, sometimes those expectations can get in the way of a successful career in the MLM business.

Here are ten common mistakes that networkers make. These mistakes are often ones of attitude, missed judgment calls, or misinformation. Addressing those mistakes, however, will get you "there," as Yogi said, a lot faster.

1. Inflated Earnings Expectations.

Yes, it's true, there are many millionaires in the MLM business.

Well, there are many millionaires in the NBA. But, how many schoolyard ballplayers make it to the NBA. Precious few.

This is the case for earnings opportunities for networkers as well. In fact, the earning opportunities are unlimited. It is also a fact that relatively few, probably less than one percent, will ever make the "big money."

Statistics indicate that less than ten percent of the distributors in the business are full time. By and large, network marketing offers a great part-time activity for folks who keep their day job. Realistic expectations and goals for the average distributor should be an extra $400 or $500 per month as auxiliary income to their permanent job. A distributor who is locked into expectations of the "big money" will soon be disappointed and drop out. In addition, a sponsor who recruits other distributors with expectations of the "big money" will soon find that he or she has lost credibility with those that he or she has sponsored. In other words, be hopeful, be realistic, and your distributors will likely be around for a longer time.

MLM Consulting is an important component for MLM startup.  Careful Choice of MLM Software is another component of MLM Corporate.  A MLM Consultant and MLM Law and MLM Legal is part of the MLM Startup Team. rs. . MLM Legal and and Babener and Associates provides expert MLM Consultant and MLM Consulting advise on MLM corporate, MLM software, MLM Compensation, MLM Taxes, etc. MLM Consulting is an important component for MLM startup.  Careful Choice of MLM Software is another component of MLM Corporate.  An MLM Consultant and MLM Law and MLM Legal is part of the MLM Startup Team.  MLM Compensation must be reviewed by an MLM Consulting standpoint by a MLM Consultant and MLM Legal and MLM Law professional and programmed by a MLM Software and MLM Technology provider.  

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